Part Return Contact
Rick Little                     Tel. 910-791-2125 Ext. 31      E-mail:
Brian Both                   Tel. 910-791-2125 Ext. 24      E-mail:

Return Material Authorization (RMA) Form
To initiate a return material authorization, please fill out the RMA form and E-mail or fax a copy of the RMA to Rick or David. Make sure you include your contact information. An approved copy will be returned by LAI and is to be included with the returned part(s) along with any associated information (invoice, packing slip, part labels, etc.)

Click Here for RMA Form (Word Doc)

      • Current Inventory Parts – Sixty (60) days from shipping date can be returned with FedEx paid shipping return costs. 20% restocking charge.
      • Incorrectly Ordered Current Inventory Parts – Can be returned sixty (60) days from shipping date with FedEx paid shipping return costs. 20% restocking charge.
      • Incorrectly Shipped Current Inventory Parts – Loading Automation will pay shipping both for shipping correct part and return of incorrect part.  Re-shipped correct part will be invoiced upon shipment. Incorrect part cost will be credited to FedEx upon receipt of returned part.
      • Warranty Parts – Warranty replacement parts will be shipped to FedEx at Loading Automation's expense.  Return of failed warranty parts is usually not required. In the unusual circumstance for product evaluation, Loading Automation requests the return of failed parts covered by warranty, shipping costs will be at Loading Automation's expense.